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At GAIKER, we organise Conferences and Seminars with the aim of disseminating relevant knowledge and information that help organisations make technological decisions. We also disseminate knowledge through specialised training (Open Training Actions and Tailored Training Actions) provided by our experts and aimed at coming up with solutions to specific business problems.

GAIKERek bere web-orri berria estreinatzen du

El Centro Tecnológico GAIKER, miembro de Basque Research &Technology Alliance, BRTA, reafirma su apuesta por…

Hondakin plastikoen balorizazioa compounding bidez

Propietate zehatzak dituzten polimeroak lortzeko eta material birziklatuak balorizatzeko compounding teknologia GAIKERen propietate zehatzak dituzten…

GAIKER IFAT 2024an egongo da

Aclima, Basque Environment Clusterreko beste kide batzuekin batera, GAIKERek ingurumen teknologiaren arloan dituen zerbitzu aurreratuak…

Ikusmen hiperespektrala eraikuntzako eta eraispeneko hondakinak sailkatzeko

ICEBERG europar proiektuak ikusmen hiperespektrala eraikuntzako eta eraispeneko hondakinak automatikoki sailkatzeko eragiketa konplexuak egiteko bideragarria…

PREBIO2 proiektua: Bioplastiko jasangarriak garatzeko berrikuntza

CO2 emisioak eta biomasa polimero biodegradagarri eta berriztagarri berriak ekoizteko. Plastikoek funtsezko zeregina dute gizarte…

Automobilentzako bateria-kutxa arin eta seguru berriak garatzea

FENICE proiektu europarrak birziklatu daitezkeen, arinak diren eta suarekiko erresistentzia ona duten baterien kutxak garatzea…

At GAIKER, we organise Conferences and Seminars with the aim of disseminating relevant knowledge and information that help organisations make technological decisions. We also disseminate knowledge through specialised training (Open Training Actions and Tailored Training Actions) provided by our experts and aimed at coming up with solutions to specific business problems.

17-18 |09|2024

Análisis de defectos de inyección

Profundización en las causas y soluciones de la mayoría de defectos que pueden encontrarse en […]

1st Edition of the Technical Workshop on Characterisation of Polymers with Thermal Analysis

Presentation of the latest advances and news in the field of Differential Scanning Calorimetry (DSC), Thermogravimetry (TGA) and Dynamic Mechanical Analysis (DMA).

Advanced thermoplastic injection

New call for the advanced injection course in collaboration with the Spanish Plastics Centre. The […]
23 24 39 01 2024

Plastic injection moulding: key concepts

The course introduces the basic concepts involved in the injection pocess and trains factory workers […]

13th Conference on Innovation in Plastic Materials and Technologies

A new edition of the "Conference on Innovation in Materials and Plastic Technology" organised by ALLOD in collaboration with the GAIKER Technology Centre is back.
Del 21/11/2023 al 22/11/2023

Selection of thermoplastic materials

This course provides a method for comparing and selecting the most suitable plastic for a specific project. The learner will know what the different properties detailed in a Data Sheet mean.
From 18/09/2023 to 19/09/2023

Plastic injection moulding: key concepts

The course introduces the basic concepts involved in the injection moulding process and trains factory workers to optimise and secure resources in mould changes by providing a working methodology.